Dr. Vincent Bohlinger

  • Professor


我从2006年开始在RIC工作,教过很多关于电影史的课程, theory, analysis, and production. 我对风格的问题特别感兴趣——一部电影如何以及为什么看起来和听起来是这样的. 我的主要研究领域一直是苏联和后苏联时期的电影, 但俄罗斯对乌克兰的全面攻击引发了我对当代乌克兰电影的关注. 其他兴趣包括——但当然不限于——跟单, art cinema, experimental filmmaking, film genres, American and international cinema, and The Golden Girls.

I am currently working on a book titled 走向第二个乌托邦:蒙太奇与社会主义现实主义之间的苏联电影风格, 1928-1936. 这个项目检查内容的变化, look, 和斯大林早期苏联电影的声音. 每个苏维埃共和国都有自己的电影制片厂, 我认为来自这些不同共和国的电影是有特色的国家电影院. 我研究声音和颜色等技术发展如何与国内外影响和竞争相结合,改变了苏联内部的审美规范. 这项研究是基于在莫斯科及其周边地区发现的档案文件和电影, 但新冠肺炎和随后的俄罗斯战争使这项工作变得复杂,并促使我在格鲁吉亚和亚美尼亚等国家探索材料. 我还计划编一本关于苏联时代电影明星的随笔集, much more work on Ukraine. 

我参加了许多校园活动,尤其是教员工会和学院理事会的活动, which I chaired for four years. 我是海洋国家/RIC电影协会的长期顾问,目前是亚洲学生协会的联合顾问. I am also RIC’s Fulbright Program Advisor, 为此,我被富布赖特选为首批国家项目顾问导师之一. I am committed to international education, 我鼓励学生们认真考虑申请大学 Fulbright. 我们已经连续三年有富布赖特奖得主了!

我的休闲活动主要涉及我的工作:电影和电视. 我也喜欢文字游戏、碳水化合物、园艺和皮划艇——最好是和我的狗一起做.


B.A., Johns Hopkins University

M.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Selected Publications

Edited Work

Contemporary Ukrainian Documentary” coedited with Yuliya V. Ladygina, KinoKultura 81 (July 2023). [33 essays and 4 filmmaker interviews]

Focus on Ukraine与Olga Blackledge, Joshua First和Yuliya V合编. Ladygina, KinoKultura 77 (July 2022). [39 essays and 5 filmmaker interviews]

Articles and Chapters

“Commercialism and the Quotidian” [On Andy Warhol Eating a Hamburger from 66 Scenes from America (Jørgen Leth, 1981)], Short Film Studies 10, no. 2 (2020): 141-144.

Miss Mend.” In 无声电影:1914-1934年无声长片论文集, edited by Steve Neale, 164-177. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2018.

60年代的众筹:埃米尔·德·安东尼奥政治纪录片的融资 Rush to Judgment (1966),” Frames 12 (December 2017).

《论童话与沙的物质性 Zepo (César Díaz Meléndez, 2014)], Short Film Studies 8, no. 1 (2017): 41-44.

“Echoes of The 400 Blows: Ambiguous Closure in Art Cinema” [On The Beach (Dorthe Scheffmann, 1995)], Short Film Studies 7, no. 1 (2016): 67-70.

“论卷笔刀的萎靡和威胁”[On Urząd (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1966)], Short Film Studies 5, no. 1 (April 2015): 45-48.

“The East is a delicate matter’: White Sun of the Desert and the Soviet Western.” In (续)定位前沿:国际西部电影, edited by Cynthia Miller and A. Bowdoin Van Riper, 373-393. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2014.

《自我反思与历史修正》 A Moment of Innocence and The Apple.” In 电影伦理:电影理论、实践和观影的伦理维度,由Jinhee Choi和Mattias Frey编辑,第125-141页. London: Routledge, 2014.

《贝博esball官方网站》 Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 7, no. 2 (Summer 2013): 189-205.

“Engrossing? Exciting! Incomprehensible? Boring! Audience Survey Responses to Eisenstein’s October,” Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 5, no. 1 (Spring 2011): 5-27.

阿恩海姆论摄影图像的本体论.” In Arnheim for Film and Media Studies, edited by Scott Higgins, 249-265. New York: Routledge, 2011.


ART 541媒体美学:定格动画
FILM 116 Introduction to Film
FILM 219W电影理论与分析基础
FILM 221 Film History II
FILM 262 The Afro-Brazilian Experience & Brazilian Cinema
FILM 352 Avant-Garde & Experimental Cinema
FILM 352 Documentary
FILM 352 Melodrama
FILM 352 Melodrama & Action Films
FILM 353 African-American Cinema
FILM 353 American Film Comedy: History & Theory
FILM 353 Russian & Soviet Cinema
FILM 353 Ukrainian Cinema
FILM 373 Cinematography & Editing
FILM 375 Documentary Filmmaking
FILM 376 Experimental Filmmaking
FILM 450 Classical Film Theory
FILM 450 Film Style
FILM 454W Contemporary Film and Theory
FYS 100 Comedy

Additional Information

Awards and Affiliations





Short-Term Travel Grant, 欧亚和东欧研究全国委员会, Summer 2018

Title VIII Short-Term Grant, Kennan Institute, 伍德罗·威尔逊国际esball官方网中心, Washington, D.C., April-May 2013

Summer Research Laboratory Associate, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center (REEEC), 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校, June 2010

Selected Participant, 国家人文基金会(NEH)学院研究所“俄罗斯和苏联视觉文化”, 1860-1935,” New York Public Library, June-July 2008

社会科学研究理事会(SSRC) 2005-2006年度奖学金

Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, 2004-2005

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, 1998-2002